Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ex 1-2

Read this document on Scribd: Ex1-2

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ex 1-1

Read this document on Scribd: Ex1-1

Sunday, August 31, 2008

House Keeping Part 3

If you look to the left on this page you will see a list of links to the other class blogs hosted by you, the students. If you do not see your name over there then I did not receive your email. Please try to fix this problem before the next class period.

Also on the left you should notice two resources related to Form Z. These are both hosted by a service called scribd, which is more or less a database of people sharing documents. Think facebook, but with pdfs. It takes just a couple of clicks to set up an account and I highly encourage you to do so. Not only is it a very powerful tool that allows you to embed pdfs within your blog, but a membership is also required to access the linked Form Z resources.

We will soon have a folder on the server, be prepared to use this to access other resources and to submit large assignments for class.

Two Assignments

Assignment I:
This is a digital modeling course so at some time we have to begin modeling. Your first modeling assignment is to choose a construction detail from your research, and model that detail as accurately as possible using Form Z. At the moment accurate dimensions are not as important as an accurate scale. You will submit a render of this model to your blog for a daily grade.

Assignment II:
Using the InDesign skills taught to you this last class period, you will revise your research layout. Pay attention to important elements such as information hierarchy, spacing, use of white space, limited fonts, color, extraneous graphics and image quality. You must post an image of this revised layout onto your blog for a daily grade

both assignments are due by 12:00 pm, Tuesday, Sept. 2nd