We only have four class periods left in the semester so for the remainder we have will be focused on finishing the models of your design and creating dynamic renders that express key features of your building. This next assignment will be delivered in parts starting with
Part IFinish your model. Your model will be completed by the next class period: Tuesday, Nov. 11th. You will submit in your server folder by the beginning of class 6 views of your model. These views may fall into the following categories
- interior perspective
- exterior perspective
- section perspective
- birds-eye view
- worms-eye view
- section axonometric
- panoramic
You should pick the views that best express your building and remember to be creative. You have many variables at your disposal such as lens angle and depth of field. We will discuss on Tuesday how to create dynamic views and which angles work best for your project. The render type will be hashed in the style best suited for the view [shaded, hidden line, etc] You will export these views at 72 dpi with one dimension at a max. of 1100 pixels. Name the files A_XXX_Ex5a.jpg. [A is a placeholder for 1-6].
Many of you do not have a great amount of experience in rendering or post-process entourage, therefore I will require each of you to adopt the style of a master. Each student will bring to class a rendering style either from a book or online, do your research. This style will be used as a guide to direct your final renders for your studio.
in server folder 6 RENDERED VIEWS